25 Aug
House Purchase Financing Loan
Disenarai Hitam Oleh CCRIS/CTOS Di Malaysia? Dapatkan Loan Rumah Dengan 4 Tips Ni
Category: Mortgage Loan
Sekiranya anda ingin memohon pinjaman perumahan, salah satu perkara yang perlu anda ketahui adalah rekod kredit anda pada CCRIS atau CTOS. Ini merupakan perkara yang akan disemak o...
25 Aug
Category: Mortgage Loan
如果你打算向银行申请房屋贷款(home loan)以完成购房愿望,那在这之前,你需要事先了解的是自己在CCRIS或CTOS上的信用评分。因为在银行审批你的贷款申请时,会参考这两个信用记录并据此决定是否批准你的申请。
25 Aug
House Purchase Financing Loan
‘Blacklisted’ By CCRIS/CTOS? Here’s 4 Tips To Get A Home Loan In Malaysia
Category: Mortgage Loan
If you are applying for a home loan, one of the things you need to know about is your credit record on CCRIS or CTOS because these are what the banks will be checking before they a...
15 Aug
Housing Loan
独家 | 买房要趁早3理由 财务顾问:10年后1千令吉或租不到一间房
Category: Mortgage Loan
(八打灵再也5日讯)财务顾问列出买房要趁早的三大理由,即年轻负担小、年龄越大越难买房,以及通货膨胀! 最近一则20个后悔买房理由,包括警戒社会新鲜人不要轻易受到广告或亲戚朋友的游说误导,结果沦为房奴的帖文,再次挑起“买房要趁早?还是租房子日子更好过”的疑问。
15 Aug
独家 | 借16万欠60万 网民:还房贷还到死!
Category: Mortgage Loan
(八打灵再也26日讯)“借16万令吉,欠60万令吉,还房债还到死为止了!” 一名交易员诺阿占在推特分享一名网民附上银行结单的短讯截图,申诉本身跟银行要求房屋的银行结单,竟发现还有60万令吉的欠款时,“感觉要哭了……”。 这名网民说,如果没有记错,他的房贷本金是16万令吉。
09 Apr
mortgage home loan
To buy or not to buy ?
Category: Mortgage Loan
Pause for a moment and think. What would be the biggest and most important decision you need to make in your lifetime? To some is choosing a good university, finding the right care...
09 Apr
home loan
A Guide for First Time Home Buyers in Home Loan Application
Category: Mortgage Loan
When you apply for your first mortgage, there are many hurdles to deal with such as bank letters of offers, mortgage terms and trying to understand words like like “lock-in period”...
08 Apr
mortgage consultant
Why You Need a Mortgage Consultant
Category: Mortgage Loan, Refinance
If you are planning to get associated with a property in any form then you must be aware of one type of service providers for sure and they are Mortgage Consultant. Mortgage consul...